Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blue Horizon by Janet Bludau, Small Abstract Landscape

Day #2 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge
6" x 6"
Oil on Board
Bits of red show through of the underpainting. 
In the middle ground I used a fan type brush to draw up the paint from below.
It was an experiment with good results I think.


  1. Thank you Sue. This is the first time I have signed up to do a "Challenge" such as this - should be interesting!

  2. like those big shapes, I am doing the challenge to and keep thinking simplify, you did that

  3. Thank you Cozette. Yes, it is difficult especially if you are painting a scene with people or buildings!

  4. Wonderful abstract, Janet! - I am impressed how you manage to keep the loose and free feeling of the abstract on such a small canvas. I also paint abstracts, but rather big (40" by 40"), and only use the smaller canvases for figurative oil paintings, so I'm looking forward to see more of your 30 in 30 paintings!
